Wednesday, October 20, 2010

AZ Low Carb Energy Drink Review

AZ Low Carb is the second energy drink by Arizona that I've come across, the first being All City. And although the can size has been shrunk an oz., AZ tosses the whole shrink wrapped label in favour of a printed one, which gives the can a more professional feel. The design is clean and attractive, and despite giving the eyes a lot to digest, it never looks cluttered or busy. Unlike the previous Arizona energy drink, AZ is carbonated and instead of containing tea, it contains juice, albeit only three percent.

The flavour begins a rough orange taste which results in a mildly crude mouth feel. The orange's roughness contains an underlap organic quality that produces an unwelcome ripened characteristic to the fruit. The orange itself is initially bland but eventually gains a weak sweetness and tartness. This provokes some excitement, but it still tastes banal and doesn't adequately counter the prior organic trait. There's a distinct backdrop of mango that partially elevates the sweetness and adds a slight tangy bite. The mango is underlined by an artificially sweetened peach that provides more coarse texture. The peach has a feeble depth of apple that's verged along side, but it doesn't survive for long and is quickly lost within an engulfing of harsh carbonation that proceeds to finish the experience. Overall, while AZ Low Carb never went down with much ease, each sip was enjoyable to a point, and was a decently unique flavour.

AZ Low Carb's ingredient cocktail definitely hits all the right spots: caffeine(200mg), taurine, vitamin C, inositol, several B vitamins, ginseng, and guarana. I had energy lasting around four hours, with slight jitters and a slight crash. In the end, while it didn't provide an exceptional taste and despite being a bit weaker than its predecessor All City, AZ Low Carb is an overall improvement over the aforementioned.

official site


  1. Had my first one today...loved it, gave me energy! Hope it is safe! Anyone got any negative vibe on the AZ low carb energy drink?

  2. Can anyone please tell me where to buy this drink...I've looked everywhere.

  3. Is that store a secret Unknown? I live in Florida, and of course would love to know what store.....:)
