Monday, November 29, 2010

Java Monster Irish Blend Energy Coffee Review

Irish Blend is the last of the fifteen oz. Java Monsters for me to review, and its faded mint green and gold colour scheme works well with the cracked background pattern. Unlike the previous Chai Hai, Irish Blend's addition of a backdrop doesn't clash with the classic "Java Monster" design nor does it distract the eyes from easily focusing. I do, however, feel that the can suffers from an overall cluttering that isn't major but still a result of the new environing accession.

The flavour begins a sweet caramel, laced gently by a subterranean median cross of malt and butterscotch nuances. Intense and lush creaminess that's boldly tinted of weak coffee then follows, but the cream soon thins undeviatingly to the taste and consistency of fat free milk. Thankfully though, a richly bittersweet chocolate taste quickly births violently out of the skimmed fluid. There's a entrammeled sugariness that dejectedly coats the tongue with an ashen touch of cinnamon and cloves that enhance focus on the neighboring scenery. There's a renascence of the earlier malt taste, now more strongly defined, and it's sweetened by the also prior butterscotch, who's now on the verge of resembling toffee. The overall milkiness heightens the firmness of the malt, but it's partially allayed by a new and authentic vanilla that calmly buoys off of the cream. The two are balanced by one another, and neither decrease or increase dramatically. There's no taste or mouth feel left after your last sip, which is surprisingly given the liquids heavy presence on the palate. All in all, Irish Blend's semi-unique flavour is one of decent complexity, but sadly it, like many, lacks much of any actual coffee taste.

Irish provided me with a fairly quick and potent buzz. I had energy for inexactly three hours, where no jitters were felt, but a slight crash was. Each can contains: vitamin C, caffeine(160mg), taurine, ginseng, guarana and several B vitamins. Overall, aside from visually, Java Monster Irish Blend doesn't feel entirely different from any of the previous varieties, and ultimately they're all beginning to blur together into one unsatisfying product.

official site

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