Friday, November 19, 2010

NOS Loaded Cherry Energy Drink Review

An innocent stop at a a Shell convenience store ultimately led to the purchase of the long wanted NOS Loaded Cherry. NOS Loaded Cherry's can uses a darker shade of red than the considerably similar NOS Fruit Punch, and although I found the latter's can to be appealing, I much prefer Loaded Cherry's look. The grim crimson works quite well with the simple, albeit almost boring design, however I'm still not terribly fond of vast logo that ascends vertically.

NOS Loaded Cherry begins an uncomplicated cherry that's sweetly authentic, and is trailed closely by an unobtrusive organic herbalism that plays well into the naturalism that the fruit outwardly displays. The trail is extremely mild on the tongue and remains mostly unnoticeable except in that it clearly and cleanly rounds out the cherry. Intertwined with the latter is a parallel in strength tangy tartness that also acts complementing, but it's more apparent to the senses. The carbonation initially has a slight sour aura, and its soft sparkling nature effervescently lifts the flavour into a vivacious state that disregards any level of boredom and instead allows for complete joyfulness on part of the drinker. There's nothing that beclouds the cherry; no notes, hints, or other flavours, and this enables its degree of affinity to impressively reach an almost exact semblance to its obvious maraschino inspiration. Overall, NOS Loaded Cherry's taste astounded me with its high caliber of quality, and despite resembling several other cherry dominate energy drinks, the consistent focus of the flavour is laudable.

Once entirely consumed, Loaded Cherry provided me with a kick lasting four or so hours. It was jitter-lite, steady throughout its duration, and ended with a medium strength crash. Each can contains: caffeine(260mg), taurine, and a couple of B vitamins. All in all, NOS Loaded Cherry is easily my favourite variety in the line, if only for its taste.

official site

1 comment:

  1. I've just tried this warm, and it tasted good. It is a little syrupy though.
