Thursday, November 25, 2010

Redline Xtreme Watermelon Energy Drink Review

It's been a while since I've reviewed an energy drink that labels itself extreme(oh I'm sorry, I mean "Xtreme"), and so when the opportunity arose, I bought Redline Watermelon while at a newly opened convenience store. Redline Watermelon comes in a similar bottle to the last extreme energy drink I had, Engage, but this similarity only applies to the physical bottle and not to the design. The colour choice of light red makes Redline look a lot less intimidating that it should be, and the myriad of text is cluttering and jumbles its focus.

Beginning surprisingly clean, the flavour sprouts into a sweet watermelon taste who's garnished pleasantly by a medium sourness. The melon itself tastes candied but still remains wholly genuine with a near perfect smoothness achieved. There's an indistinct decumbent flowing of a caustic chemical taste that billows out from under the climax of the melon, but in favour of the drinker the fruit overpowers most of this prostrate alkaline taste. What the watermelon couldn't meek is slight but still slightly apparent, and there's a following dulcet surging that's entirely present for balancing out this poignancy. The experience closes soon after, and the only aftertaste is an abridged watermelon remnant that's entirely relishable. Overall, Redline Watermelon's taste is an affluence of authenticity of the fruit that it so well mimics.

Redline Watermelon's kick is potent and long lasting. I felt wide awake about an hour after full consumption, and this was steady for around another three and a half hours. I had slight jitters occurring occasionally, and no crash afterwords. Each bottle contains: caffeine(316mg), green tea extract, beta-alanine, and hypericin. All in all, Redline Xtreme Watermelon's great taste and kick really make you wish that its bottle looked more hardcore, or at least, more attractive.

official site


  1. have you ever heard of the word "circumlocution". I suggest you look it up. Decent review but writing the whole thing in an over-the-top, wordy manner kind of ruined it.
    e.x. affluence of authenticity of the fruit that it so well mimics.
    e.x. There's an indistinct decumbent flowing of a caustic chemical taste that billows out from under the climax of the melon, but in favour of the drinker the fruit overpowers most of this prostrate alkaline taste
    Basically the whole second paragraph. It sounds like you sat there with a thesaurus while you wrote the review. Nothing wrong with having a wide vocabulary but using it in the manner that you did makes you look pompous and out of touch.

  2. Excellent read, Positive site, where did u come up with the information on this posting?I have read a few of the articles on your website now, and I really like your style. Thanks a million and please keep up the effective work. Redline drink reviews
