Friday, March 11, 2011

Red Bull Energy Shot Review

Red Bull energy shot uses the tired and true look that I've criticized in past reviews, but I don't feel that way when the design is shrunk down dramatically. Now everything looks well kept and tightly organized, despite the occasional and mild busyness, and unlike its larger variations previously mentioned, there are no vacant areas that diminish any visual appeal. The design rests around a bottle that's the typical two ounces, and though there really isn't much revolutionary that's likely to grab consumer's attention, the publicized Red Bull name is certain to draw some.

Faintly syrupy, Red Bull Shot travels across the tongue and leaves no reminder of its journey. The liquid's body is light on the palate and so is its flavour, though it's a bit too enervated for my tastes. The actual flavour obvious but well implemented, and what's focused upon mostly is of an apple taste. There's a presence of real sugar that does an admiral job at candying said fruit, though it's not the only sweetener used. The apple also advertises a gumminess that is never too much for the drinker and stays entirely appropriate with the taste. But perhaps more prevalent is the fruit's sourness; it's alike the mild gummy feature in that it bates from becoming cloying, however it's much stronger and it imbues some faint, though appreciated, evidence of authenticity. This is the apple's only sense of the such, and it's worth mentioning that the varying coloured fruit becomes tangled with a milky vanilla who's creaminess is superficial and shallow. The pronounced saccharinity does the antecedent good, although it never educes the desired genuineness. Overall, with the carbonated absence giving the fluid a superbly smooth and easy drinking quality, Red Bull Energy Shot is better tasting than many full sized clones.

Each bottle contains: caffeine(eighty mg), several B vitamins, inositol, and taurine. From this, I didn't feel all too energized, which is what I anticipated. What was felt didn't cause a crash nor did it cause jitters. In the end, Red Bull Energy Shot meets the highest expectations one could have for such a product, and in turn it exceeds the low ones I had.

official site

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