Monday, July 25, 2011

Archer Farms Vanilla Energy Coffee Review

The boring Archer Farms' design is banal to begin with, especially since it doesn't really feel like it was crafted for an energy drink, or by someone who understands what they are. But if you fill the can with coffee and give it classically appropriate colours, then it really becomes something that's rather optically pleasing. It's not groundbreaking, nor is it all too visually noble, but it certainly is the best way to present the design.

The flavour, sadly, is as bland to taste as the former variety. There's no pleasing lardaceous depiction nor is there much sweetness, and the only exclamations of the two are shoddily present and renders the drinker crestfallen even with low expectations. Since the experience lacks the two condign, the vanilla isn't able to advertise the anticipated degrees of fattiness or sugariness, both of which are vehemently craved. This is entirely unpropitious as vanilla is really the only flavouring to note. Yes, there is some coffee to taste, but it is weaker and thinner than what precedes it, and the brew lacks all of its trademarks, thus the fluid is absent from the intricate ingraining desired by the bean derived beverage. Reduced fat milk is what is utilized here and obviously it isn't used heavily enough, and it painfully explains why half and half is such a favourite creamer. Overall, Archer Farms Vanilla's stupefyingly maladroit taste is profoundly amateurish, and the ordinarily small eleven ounces is often too much to endure.

The laughably low caffeine content of sixty five milligrams is unable to stir up a buzz lasting hour, though fortunately there weren't jitters or a crash to note. Overall, Archer Farms Vanilla Energy Coffee really doesn't have much of the later three in its name.

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