Monday, August 22, 2011

Celsius Peach Mango Energy Green Tea Review

Celsius Peach Mango isn't any better to the eye than any variety that precedes it, even though the design has again since been reorganized. It looks still congested with needless, or at least confusing text, and the 200 milligrams of caffeine continues to go without proper recognition. Sure, it reads "lasting energy," but the potency of the drink is rather impressive, and it's unfortunate that they do not suitably proclaim their feat.

The slimy textured fluid tastes lightly of both peach and mango, and while initially a bit stronger, it is only mildly tinted of green tea. It all works, at first, given each sip is easy and becomes more pleasurable as you become aware as to what to expect. The peach and the mango tastes are only one dimensional depictions, though, but their elementary descriptions eventually become more noticeable than the currently ever weakening green tea. Now however, with the latter greatly obscuring, the ineptitude of the remaining flavours becomes ever too glaring, especially with the lack of any appropriate characteristics. To obtain its status as low calorie, sucralose is utilized and to positive effect, or it at least does not further the primitiveness of the experience. Overall, it's not to hail Celsius Peach Mango Green Tea as savourless, but you will look forward to your last sip.

200 milligrams of caffeine seems to provide a four hour kick by default. Other ingredients include: taurine, B vitamins, guarana, and vitamin C. All in all, Celsius Peach Mango Green Tea is one of the weaker entries in the line, something that hasn't been very strong otherwise.

official site

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