Saturday, October 15, 2011

Talon Energy Drink Review

It feels great to finally be reviewing Talon Energy, which is a drink that has alluded me for many years. Its can, though, has never exactly been what has possessed me to locate the beverage, as while it looks completely acceptable, if not rather cool and intimidating, it isn't really anything new. It's got the blackness and simple design of any Monster clone, and the animal inspired name is clearly modeled after Red Bull, however it is one of the less obvious choices I've seen.

The flavour is thankfully more inspirited than any clone of the aforementioned would be. There's a sour green apple taste that cloaks a nether pineapple that is still enabled to sharply influence the flavour even though its strength isn't demanding. Appreciatively relieving from the previous is the refreshing taste of grapefruit, who's strength is as mild as any such drink before it. The pink fleshed citrus advertises a sort of dry tartness to each sip that is longer lasting than the flavour itself, and is especially detected as everything progresses and the bitter skinned fruit decreases from sight. Noticeable now, and acting as a sort of replacement to the former, is the taste of melon, who acknowledges all before it and becomes influenced by them all. This gives the fruit a wildly intricate profile, but it loses its own personality in the process. Appearing next is a braiding of lemon and lime, though the latter is the easily the weakest of the already dismally feeble blend. The two intend to increase depth, and they do, but it's more in the sense of clutter than organized and organic additions. Overall, Talon's taste gives one's palate much to chew on, and while nothing involved is particularly original, the ever moving pace of the experience keeps you from ever being bored.

Each can contains: caffeine(172), taurine, ginseng, guarana, inositol, and a few B vitamins. The kick was rather typical, you know, the usual three hour buzz that we've all encountered so many times. In the end, Talon Energy isn't revolutionary, which is quite obvious considering how little it innovated, but it was wholly enjoyable.

official site

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