Tuesday, January 3, 2012

MiO Energy Black Cherry Review

I may be a virgin to this MiO "water enhancer" stuff, but I'm not of the naive, wait-til-you-get-married type; I've done my research on the topic, and I've seen it in action before. People have even tried to talk me into it, but flavoured and carbonated water, aka soda, is enough of an "enhancement" for me. But in all seriousness, this black cherry's black bottle is quite nice on the eyes, and though text does needlessly bulk the lower portion, it's a problem with the line as a whole and not exclusive to this particular variety.

The sixteen plus ounce bottle utilized received an initial giving of a bit more than two squirts, clouding the once crystal beverage a pleasant purple. But this dyad of injections is a disappointingly bland experience, with the namesake black cherry making a much diluted appearance. The liquid gets ever so darker with an introduction of another splash, which only insignificantly intensifies the still boring flavour. Another few spritzes were in order for me to pleasure each of the many remaining sips, and now we're exposed to the product's mildly thick viscosity and enjoyably high sweetness. It indirectly describes only the faintest of tartness, and everything considered you couldn't define the fruit as tasting even the slightest bit natural. It's purely an artificial affair, an eventually satisfying one, and is super sugary and marginally astringent shot directly on the tongue.

My four or so spurts of the caffeinated concentrate contained somewhere more than 240 milligrams of the stimulant, each serving serving sixty, with my uncertainty stemming from the fact that some drizzles inevitably lasted just a few moments longer than others. There's also ginseng, guarana, taurine, and marginal amounts of a few B vitamins, and the kick, though wildly modifiable, lasted well into the five hour mark. In the end, MiO Energy Black Cherry is a surprising mainstream effort that's equal parts imagination and success.

official site


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I coud NOT agree more! Blech!! I did use it to add flavor to plain yogurt. Yum - with a kick.

    You should try the Green Thunder! It's still somewhat bland but not nearly like the cherry. I hate water but I'm a caffeine junkie and would tolerate water for this...

  3. WTF? Stop the nonsensical comments and give a valid review. Does MIO Energy or Not? It's a simple Yes or No. Instead of trying to be cute with your review, which you are not, give some comparisons to Coffee, Red Bull, Monster etc.

  4. Guy above me, I absolutley agree. I was looking to see if MIO gave energy or not but instead i get this horrible review where you think using big words makes you a better writer when it just makes you look like a d-bag. Yes or No question like he said relate it to other products.

  5. Seriously, I just wanted to know if it tasted good, if it gave energy, and if there was a crash later. The overly detailed review of adding mio to the water was just plain annoying.

  6. It taste great to me. I did get an energy boost from it and no crash afterwards. I like both the Green Thunder and the Black Cherry. I drink 75-120 oz of water a day. I enjoy MiO because it keeps my water from becoming boring. I do like the Energy MiO's the best I think probably because of the energy boost it gives me.

  7. I just recently bought a 3 pack of these from same club (2 black cherry and 1 green thunder). The black cherry tastes pretty good and the green thunder is decent however not as good as the black cherry. I start the day with a cup of ice water and one full squirt of MIO energy. I am really trying to cut back on soft drinks and sugar - I must say that I absolutely HATE diet drinks and usually can't stand anything with artificial sweetener but I actually enjoy this product. I just wish they would come out with more flavor options to keep things mixed up instead of drinking just the two - MIO are you listening?

  8. oi oi. i got one of each: the green one and the red one. both tasted wicked harsh with a high incident of fake sweet bitterness. but i didnt drink the thing for the taste. i literally used a teaspoon measuring thingy (for cooking), and put five full ones in a bottle full of watermelon juice (to dodge the flavor of mio). i knocked it back, and in no longer than five minutes, i was feelin like charlie sheen on a friday night: hotwired. i swear by these, and i keep a couple bottles in my purse so i can tweak out easily on the road. saves me money on energy drinks, and also saves me the trouble of havin to carry these big ass cans around all day (cuz i drink a lot of caffeine). coffee can f*ck off and die. red bull can follow it to hell. monsters rock in my eyes *(especially with the new rehab lineup) but this crap is effin dirty cheap and convenient as it gets. works like a charm. highly recommended. get it. odds are you wont regret. in fact, im goin to get more as soon as i DONT wake up tomorrow (cuz ill be drinkin it all night and twitchin out instead of sleeping). (^^^)

  9. the comment above me is a great review!

  10. Smoked 64 bottles of Black Cherry and slammed 22 GALLONS of Green Thunder right into my vein with a modified turkey baster. Fell asleep, but i gotta admit... It sure cracks back nice.

  11. I realize I'm a bit late to the party with the Mio energy drink but I just found the black cherry a few weeks ago and love it. The author of this article uses a lot! I have found that two squirts - which is recommended - in a 16 ounce water bottle is plenty. How the hell could someone drink this stuff with five squirts? The energy is great and there is no crash.
