Tuesday, February 28, 2012

AMP Boost Cherry Energy Drink Review

Though containing only 130 calories per can, AMP Boost Cherry is the obvious successor of amp Overdrive. Perhaps the most apparent change is the can, which now reads clean and looks sleek, with a fantastic balance of colours, text, and visuals. It is interesting to note, however, that now the logo is written with all capital letters, where as before they were all lower case, as if the new can is subconsciously suggesting its superiority.

Rather surprisingly, AMP Boost Cherry tastes very much like what one remembers Overdrive tasting like: fake cherry with a forceful saccharinity, however here the sweetness is not nearly as syrupy nor quite as intense. The flavour is as imitation as ever, but each sip swims smoothly across the tongue and is soft to swallow, excited with blunt carbonation that is never harsh. The fruitiness is harmoniously tart even within all the pretending, and it deepens the pleasingly candied quality. The experience is a much required refinement of an originally unsound beverage, with its improved characteristics never decelerating the unexpected drinkability.

160mg of caffeine, taurine, guarana, ginseng, and some B vitamins make up the ingredient cocktail, and it kicks similarly to what it supersedes: a two plus hour buzz that never quite reaches the strength it should. In the end, amp Overdrive got a major overhaul with AMP Boost Cherry, being much of what you look for in both a replacement and as an energy drink.

official site


  1. maybe people should just leave well enough alone. I don't care for the "new and improved" version. Go back to what it was and leave it alone!

  2. I agree with the previous comment. the "blunt" carbonation makes it taste flat and the intense hit of cherry (on overdrive can) is now more of a subtle cherry taste more along the lines of a juice or crappy artificial sweetener. while i'm sure the new line will have many people who like it, for people like me, this drink tastes horrible.

  3. I personally enjoy the new amp cherry, I was surprised that the taste was so similar to the original turbo boost, knowing they dropped nearly 100 calories from the can without adding excess amounts of artificial sweeteners. I'd say it's a win for a 'Healthier' Energy drink.

  4. Hate it! This used to be my every morning caffeine boost...now I have to find a new one. This tastes like a diet drink...ewww. Searched all the local stores and picked up whats left of the old....i'm pissed

  5. The new version tastes like cough medicine. It's sick.

    That's why I drank AMP to begin with, is because it didn't taste like cough syrup like Monster.

    Guess I'll have to find a new drink. Bleh. They should have an "original" line to compliment their new line.

  6. I agree, i just bought this thinking oh cool, they redesigned the cans. but after one drink i realized they did in fact change the flavor, and that flavor is bland, tasteless shit. I could not even finish half the can before i dumped it out. Looks like I finally found a reason to give up energy drinks.

  7. I totally agree, I'm not a fan of the change. I've been lucky enough to find a few stores that still have the old ones and I've just about bought them out. Its just like drinking a diet drink with the disgusting after taste from the artifical sweetners. I will definitely be making a switch and that really makes me sad because of all the energy drinks I tasted the overdrive was by far THE BEST!!

  8. I too dislike the new taste, I never liked energy drinks until I stumbled across the cherry amps and from that first sip I was in love, I would drink one everyday before work, if I knew It would be a long day on the roof I would buy two, that's been my ritual for the last five years, but now that ritual has come to a end, I have given the new amp 3 tries and each time I can't even finish it. I find myself wondering store isles in hopes of coming across and old amp, I have cleared a five mile radius around my house of every store that still had the old style, but atlast I fear my days of finding them are fading quick, and soon that taste of sweet artificial cherry flavor will be nothing but a faded distance memory.

    I will never find another energy drink like the old cherry amp, you have broke mine and so many others heart Pepsi, and for that I will never forgive you.

  9. I tried this for the first time today. I didn't find it as bad tasting as others complained about, but it's definitely not the best energy drink I've tasted. I'd say it tastes better than most of the Xcience drinks, but nowhere near as good as the far superior Monster drinks.

  10. Pepsi couldn't leave good enough alone so they changed the flavor and now it tastes awful. They are attempting to catch up to monster but I suspect it wont pan out. Such a shame I guess it is just NOS and Full Throttle for me now.

  11. It tastes ok, but not as good as the grape in my opinion. This kind of tastes like an artificial cherry mixed with a fun dip candy. Def not going to be a regular drink for me, but it works when i cant get to 7-11for the grape.

  12. Bring back the old flavor.

  13. go back to what it was this stuff is disgusting

  14. Try mixing it with vodka----you won't notice the difference at first and then you won't care . . . I love this stuff.
