Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Red Bull Total Zero Energy Drink Review

Red Bull Total Zero is as redundant as Coke Zero or Monster Absolutely Zero, only this does not come in an appealing can. The cadaverous colours are not doing anyone a favour, and it relies too greatly on brand recognition for it to attempt anything new or creative. And the big kicker here is that despite its name, there is still ten calories per twelve ounces, meaning the "zero" refers only to carbs and sugars unless it you buy the embarrassingly diminutive eight ounce aluminum transport, which legally contains none.

The flavour is thankfully a lot kinder to the tongue than is Sugar Free, but do not go taking that as more than faint praise. There is some rather strong pineapple lurking in each sip, artificial and chemical tasting though vivid with an immutable hint of sharp lemon. Throughout is the obligatory vanilla and some medicinal sourness that is almost demanded by name, in addition to some plain old green apple noted later in the experience. There is some bittersweetness to the fruit, a short lived sensation unhesitatingly preceding that imbues something unanticipated to an otherwise routine beverage. The overall saccharinity is decently done but discernibly imitation, doing no better than any competitors but is far superior to its similar sibling. And actually, that is a pretty good way to sum up the entire flavour.

Each twelve ounce can contains: caffeine(114mg), taurine, inositol, and B vitamins. The kick lasted no longer than an hour and a half, and strength-wise it was not impressive. On the whole, as the line's first energy drink extension in a long while, you would expect both a unique flavour and better looking can. That is however, if you did not know any better.

official site

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