Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Xenergy Frostberry Blast Energy Drink Review

As the brand becomes more popular, their sponsorship from the UFC has unfortunately become much more emphasized. It is not because the sport does not interest me, but rather that the can's former praise went partially towards its clarity and focus, something lost or at least abated thanks namely to Wanderlei Silva's appearance. With his image comes the obligatory text defining who he is, and with his shirt copying the above logo, the newly nebulous and redundant can suffers extensively.

The first sip left my mouth sodden with flavour and left me quite surprised, thanks to an uncommon taste who taunted my palate with its vague familiarity. You get a wallop of tart berries, namely black, blue, rasp, and cranberry: all crushed into a recognizable pulp, yet the identification any individual is obscured by the other's subtle idiosyncrasies. The fruits are indefinitely chalky and laugh in the face of realism; instead they are emphatically sour and unnaturally sweet. The acidity is pleasant, as is the saccharinity, however the latter does results in a slight chemical finish. It is an energetic experience, one with impressive verve and enthusiasm.

The buzz lasts four or so hours, and its potency is much like any in the line. Each can contains: caffeine(208mg), taurine, B vitamins, guarana, inositol, and ginseng. All in all, the xenergy line has historically been most comfortable with citruses, and this variety flaunts their flavour flexibility.

official site

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