Monday, June 25, 2012

Fast Twitch Purple Energy Drink Review

Fast Twitch Purple is probably not the true name for this twenty ounce energy and performance drink, however neither the bottle nor the web offers much clarity. It contains 200 milligrams of caffeine, a fact featured prominently, but the label is otherwise a chaotic mess. Words flies across in all directions and most is less than helpful, and with so much text one would expect the flavor indication of "purple" to be explained.

Despite such a vague flavor suggestion, grape was totally anticipated (I am not stupid), however here the fruit is promoted without any love or verve. It is passively sweet without tartness, and everything here including the taste itself taste completely chemical. There is nothing to challenge the palate; no depth to the hydrated raisin, and the experience likens well to Gatorade or any cheap ice lolly. It is admiringly not a strong demonstration, drinking easily in large gulps and at quite a pace. And although the sugariness does begin to collect and caulks the back of your mouth with the last few of the many sips, you take your last before it is ever an issue. Overall, while an unmitigated bore, the twenty ounces went down fast enough.

Each bottle contains: taurine, 200 milligrams of caffeine, B and C vitamins, and a good deal of others. The buzz was not quite as explosive as implied, but it lasted a solid four or more hours without jitters or consequent crash. All in all, Fast Twitch Purple is not worth the buck twenty at Big Lots for the typical consumer or reviewer.

official site

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