Friday, June 15, 2012

Talon Blood Punch Energy Drink Review

Black and red is a classic color combination, working well here with the yellow fiery fowl. The sanguinolent name may seem a bit much but is only based off of the blood orange, the more specific of the many fruits promised with the punch. Otherwise there is not much to say, being clean and easy to read but adopting a rather typical "hardcore" look.

Pouring out a dark crimson, any thicker and Roger Corman will be buying gallons for his next CGI cheese-fest. The flavor is all too ordinary however, a fair punch who offers absolutely nothing new. The fruit medley consists of mostly cherry, soured indefinitely and acutely sweetened. Lime looms in vaguely, giving the harsh acidity some dimension. The predominate is elaborated by notes of guava and complicated by hints of orange, the latter a stock citrus taste not particularly honest to the blood variety. Overall, the are numberless energy punches and Talon's stab is bloody average.

The average kick averaged three hours thanks to: caffeine (160mg), inositol, B vitamins, guarana, ginseng, and taurine. All in all, Talon Blood Punch is a shamelessly safe effort from a company I thought was better.

official site

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