Saturday, July 21, 2012

Rocket Chocolate English Toffee Latte Review

Not especially enticing to the eyes, Rocket Chocolate English Toffee Latte simply feels too amateurish and childish for something caffeinated. Its dotted packaging is decidedly retro, and thanks to its name feels obligated to sport a rocket.

The chocolate log breaks well to the teeth, and the solid structure softens successfully in one's mouth. There are chopped almonds which give interesting snap to each of the very few bites, all of which are followed closely with caffeine's infelicitous and inescapable bitterness. Another nibble from the brown box temporarily censors this, but even a chaser struggles to silence the chemical astringency. When not acridly irritating your palate however, the chocolate is not even that good, comparable to a Hershey's Bar at best, a Palmer knockoff at worst. Overall, I am not terribly impressed with my first Star Buzzer's product.

The wrapper mumbles "twice the caffeine" and "boosts like a cup of coffee," but the interweb claims that each candy contains a modest forty one point seven milligrams. Regardless as to how much it has, the buzz received lasted only about two hours. It hit me hard though, quickly soothing my lust for the stimulant. In the end, with numerous Rocket Chocolate flavors available, let us just hope that only their English Toffee Latte variety is rotten.

official site

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