Thursday, September 13, 2012

Shock Energy Blend Coffee Review

Shock Coffee's stark contrast of red and yellow works well and looks decent, however its black logo bounces beautifully off of the latter primary. Brewing instructions would be nice to see on future packages however, as the 'brew to taste' declaration holds too much ambiguity. But by being particularly problematic to close once opened, this bag just scarce of three ounces was obviously not designed for my small, four cup coffee maker.

Burnt fragrances with bitter floral notes, you will question your brewing talents with a scent like this. The steam is lovely against my skin as my first sip is experienced, a dark cup dominated by its flat acidity and slight fattiness. It is an unbalanced blend of musty wood highlights, processed cocoa and dirty citrus nuances, a hard roast of pungent blackness. It finishes sweetly but astringent, infandously rotten in some cups that only further pollutes.

'Over fifty percent more caffeine' means little without exactness, considering how great the stimulant varies between beans and brews. But the beverage certainly opened my sleepy eyes, with a six ounce cup lasting almost two hours. In the end, Shock Energy Blend Coffee requires a tainted palate and heavy dilution before you go about drinking for pleasure.

official site

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