Friday, January 11, 2013

Swing Juice Orange Mango Hybrid Energy Drink Review

Both the mango and the orange have juice which is bright and energetic, so when this pale beverage meets my eye one cannot help but be confused and disappointed. I accept that this juiceless drink derives the latter half its brand name from being what drives golfers, their "juice" if you will, so for it to be so visually bland is just unfortunate.

The nearly colorless fluid is colorful to the nose, engaging and inviting, but the invitation is to one of the more flavorless dinner parties of recent memory. Water is the dominate taste, loosely resembling either orange or mango alone, let alone together, fruits in dire need of sweetness and sourness. Being non-carbonated does not help, but that at least was intentional and anticipated; I do not believe the company intended to brew up something so soporific. More exhausting than refreshing, this Swing Juice variety despairingly needs some variety.

Sixty two and a half milligrams of caffeine is a bit of an insult to energy drink drinkers, though there is also: taurine, B vitamins, ginseng, and ginkgo. Practically no kick was experienced, beings something more of a sugar rush thanks to forty two and a half grams. Overall, Swing Juice Orange Mango battles against the consumer, an almost tolerable drink surely never to be bought twice.

official site

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