Monday, February 18, 2013

Feel Wild Berry Natural Energy Drink Review

Squiggle Wiggle Pen-esque stripes decorate a blue gradient on this slim can, free of pleonastic text with what is present reading without hindrance. It is a pretty good looking design, but lays it on a bit thick with its complacent "natural" trademark.

Unpleasantly rough carbonation and dry interpretation of berry was truly expected, however first sip unveils a soft sipping effervescent experience with a deft fruity impersonation. Things are just sweet enough and tart enough; natural flavors who demonstrate the honest depth of actual black, blue, and raspberries. Things close with a bit of an earthy bite that is only refreshing, an incandescent change of pace from an otherwise smooth and saccharine beverage. The petite ten and a half ounce keep things from growing stale, but provide more than enough time to fancy the fancy flavor.

Each can contains: caffeine (eighty five milligrams), vitamin C, ginseng, guarana, and B vitamins. Any resultant buzz would not last longer than three hours, but fortunately this is a kick free of jitters and any crash. Overall, Feel Wild Berry is a great start to what should be a great line.

official site

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