Wednesday, February 5, 2014

energems Chocolate Energy Candy Review

Smaller than your standard pack of cigarettes and maybe a pinch heavier, the box to energems Chocolate throws a lot of information your way while remaining easy to read. The grey text pops off of the black with ease and style, and the red belts provide great contrast. Its name "energems" is clever, but takes a few tries to nail the pronunciation.

Roughly consonant to the size on the box, these dull gems sport a few blemishes and are more hexagonal than perfectly round. The flavor is sweet, bitter only briefly with the pungent chocolate potency of Bosco Syrup straight. The shell crunches breezily, shards melting into the energized center, probably adding more sugar to the taste. Three candies is a serving, with seventy five milligrams of caffeine, and although the flavor is no gourmet chocolate, the nine or so a box is far from a challenge.

Each three candies also contains: taurine, B vitamins, L-theanine, among others. The buzz from a trilogy of gems is dissatisfying, lasting south of an hour, but an entire box fares better; lasting just under three. All in all, energems Chocolate is a neat little energy candy that is always good but never great.

official site 

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