Monday, May 12, 2014

Stewart's Sugar Free Impact Energy Drink Review

Desultory visuals and unseemly bare aluminum kills any spark the playful blue could have brought. Shaped like a soda but with none of the appeal of that or energy drinks, this palaverous can is absent of any wit or style.

Citrus this is not, so just take a guess at what this generic drink tastes like. Please, let me give you a hint: we taste vanilla and all the bubble gum we would never want, synthetic and overbearing sweetness with notorious sham apple nuance. That is right, folks, this is a Red Bull clone. Kudos Stewart's. Every sip of this repulsive twelve ounce monstrosity leaves a slimy coating of fake sugar and flavors on your tongue, making its bantam size feel like forever.

Each can contains: B vitamins, caffeine, ginseng, taurine, guarana and inositol. The kick is weak but met my slight expectations, lasting no longer than an hour. Overall, this is a pitiful and painful energy drink; looks like a soda and drinks even worse.


  1. The can looks like a beer can.

  2. Its not the worst store brand energy drink. Im drinking one now and yes there is not a drop of any citrus flavor despite what the can says lol.

  3. What is the caff content, please?
