Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hydrive Triple Berry Energy Drink Review

Black and red are dynamic on this resealable bottle, one free of clutter and unusually easy to read. There is some personality but it is unexciting, with generic chunky font and a depreciated dotted gradient.

My tongue finds only cranberry and raspberry, a braid brilliantly woven with passion and respect. More "Double" than "Triple," each sip is steeped in exalted complexity and is outrageously refreshing. The aforestated berry blend does not need a third to wow palates, each so remarkably rich and generously tart. The alphabetical first of the dyad holds complete control of the experience, and you could effortlessly argue it is the only fruit tasted, albeit with egregious nuance and depth. Its partner in every gulp is sweeter, more candied and less natural, but never less interesting. This contrast is nothing neoteric, but makes for fifteen and a half ounces of unmixed beatitude. Deep in each splash of this red cooler are stalwart suggestions of cherry and red grape, satisfying tastes even without top billing. Oh, and the decided absence of effervescence is rejuvenating and has this energy water drinking like the latter, which unlike beer, is a positive. Did I like this beverage? You could say so.

Each bottle contains: caffeine (160 milligrams), B vitamins, and taurine. They craft a buzz lasting two and a half hours, a pedestrian kick that should have been stronger. All together though, Hydrive Triple Berry's exquisite flavor had me forgetting its shortcoming.

official site

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