Sunday, August 24, 2014

Verve Energy Drink Review

Forgiving its narrow size, this bouncy metal transport is quite nice, clean and great to look at, although its effervescence will likely disenchant drinkers of self-appointed "hardcore" energy drinks.

Perfume of only the freshest canned OJ escapes with a crack of the copper colored pull tab. Our first sip has us thinking of the morning staple, only to wish we had it instead. The fluid is fat and fleshy, traversing tongues with grandiose heftiness, drinking smoothly yet with powerful substance. Interesting to drink without being distracting; this is a motley paced perfectly. So this sounds like a positive review, huh? Well, no, we have only revered its mouthfeel. The flavor in all of this? It is certainly orange, a one-dimensional and fruitless attempt at the tropical sphere of goodness. Perhaps it is more tangerine than its rhymeless relative, but either way you peel it, it is a stock citrus with queer nuances of carrot and without freshness. It is drinkable, but not quite the paradise for the palate its texture connotes.

Each can contains: caffeine (eighty milligrams), taurine, inositol, chloride, d-ribose, green tea, A, B, C, and many B vitamins. Its potency is average for its size, an hour or so hours long without jitters or following crash. Chiefly speaking, Verve Energy is, a peppy can filled with an immeasurably rocky taste and generic kick, the very definition of a mixed bag.

official site

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