Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Kaffn8 Liquid Caffeine Review

Although I can applaud the plastic for being conveniently clear, that rectangular sticker leaves a whole lot to be desired. "Kaffn8" is clever but confusing, and its slogan "Simply. Caffeine." should read "Simple. Caffeine." For all the real estate that creamy yellow label offers, our eyes are bored with too much text, inconsistently underlined, italicized, and boldfaced. Particularly, that fiscal savings declaration should be removed; this is packaging, not an advertisement.

Oodles of potables were exposed to both a forth and a half ounce of Kaffn8, and cipher of the myriad of mixtures proved bitter. From seventy five milligrams to twice that, this caffeinated liquor successfully converted everything from orange juice to several popular "diet" colas into some sorta sleeper energy drinks. Though only a fraction of an ounce, frequently a sip is needed to prevent the chemical concoction from pooling onto the rim of the soda can, and that is most certainly not good eats, er, drinks. Recommended is synthesizing the two in a tall glass, not only to circumvent the aforementioned but also for the promise of a more absolute blending. Among the more imaginative pairings included coffee, who's own astringency masked the product's own. Several servings of name-brand raisin bran and one percent milk was among the more creative pick-me-ups attempted, and it is a shame there is few breakfast soups to further these unbridled experiments.

Each ounce contains 300 milligrams of the good stuff, so each consumer controls their caffeinated destiny. It is a shame there is nothing else in each 240 milliliter canteen, perhaps a variety loaded with all the usual supplement suspects to more directly combat the energy drink market? In any event, you should not judge Kaffn8 by its cover, or rather container.

official site

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