Monday, April 13, 2015

Zest Tea Earl Grey Black Tea Energy Review

Not the packaging featured across the company's website, this variety's silver sachet is best assumed to be a sample pouch. Actually, it is, given the text "sample" is read after the flavor indication, so let us try and ignore its logorrhea and bland color scheme.

Each quaff cleanses the palate with a sudden aquatic furor, your first gulp revivifies in a fashion that only tea can. The earl grey black genus proves the most pungent of the Zest Teas; a robust flavor slightly earthy but never bitter. There is richness to every imbibe, a slight yeasty, bread-like taste sheathed by both a clement sweetness and placid bergamot citrusness. Your tongue observes an indefectible balance between the binary of sapors, themselves benignant and help craft an experience fervidly refreshing. All of the few sips my six-ounce mug offers left me coveting another; a beverage more honest and mature than its already satisfying predecessors.

The pyramid bag contains an dramatic 150 milligrams of caffeine, birthing a two and a half, if not three, hour long buzz. To end, Zest Tea Earl Grey Black is the brand's strongest effort to date, the most complete and most refined.

official site

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