Saturday, May 23, 2015

Monster Ultra Citron Energy Drink Review

Another brightly colored "Ultra" variety from the Monster conglomerate, this time the name is Citron and the expectation is lemon. Its can is textured but it seems every flavor from the brand is, making the once unique hand-feel a boring expectation.

Redolence reminiscent of cleaning supplies rather than fresh fruit, with its relentless aroma of fake citrus. We take a sip, and I will be darned, it ain't half bad. The flavor is pure lemon, lighter than the pheromones that escape into the nose, with a slight tartness that builds in the back of your throat. Its impersonation of the produce falls on the more natural side of the scale, resistant without the potency of the perfume, for better or worse. Erythritol, sucralose, and ace-k rock together in place of real sugar, a decent blend that cannot give the lemonade-wannabe flavor its desiderated heft. Its texture could also use some work; a watery mouthfeel with a finite famine of any pulpy goodness. For a diet, big-name release, Monster Ultra Citron is actually pretty good; it just dismally lacks the something-something to make it great.

Each can contains: caffeine (one hundred and fifty two milligrams), B vitamins, taurine, ginseng, l-carnitine, guarana, and inositol. This stock blend has the ingredients for a terrific buzz, but lasts only two and a half hours. In the end, Monster Ultra Citron's taste is one of the more complete from the company, bringing an otherwise ordinary experience up a few pegs.

official site

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