Friday, July 10, 2015

Amp Zero Watermelon Energy Drink Review

Amp Zero Watermelon appears on store shelves without any notice, along with several other new varieties. The line has been refurbished many times and it looks like it happened again, this time at least the flavors are more unique. Its can is pale and prosaic, dispassionately getting the job done.

Strong fumes pour from the can, a scent so innocent and inviting our first sip happens almost immediately. The sapor is full-on candy, sweet and playful though grievously without the weight of true sugar. The synthetics preform admirably otherwise, with sucralose and ace-k never promoting any artificiality in the experience. At least, any saccharine disingenuousness is veiled by the beverage's mild sour bite, pleasantly engendering the potation's sweetmeat focus. But sip after sip the flavor wears on your palate, proving that perhaps watermelon is too much at sixteen ounces.

Each can contains: B vitamins, guarana, taurine, ginseng, and 157 milligrams of caffeine. The buzz is only two hours long, proving that no matter how many times the brand is refreshed, the lackluster kick remains. In the end, Amp Zero Watermelon is a decent overall cooler with some fun ideas but mediocre execution.

official site


  1. I just tried it last week and agree with your review. I miss the blue AMP 'Focus' which have seemed to disappear.

  2. This shit is disgusting, first flavor is alright, then the aftertaste of pure arificial sweetener gnaws and lingers in the back of your mouth for minutes to come.
