Saturday, April 6, 2024

Mtn Dew Kickstart Watermelon Review

This slender, bright green can has text screaming in from many different angles, almost all different fonts, sizes, and with varying levels of importance. Some text is bold, some italicized, but hardly any is necessary, words tossed about the can like a kid learning how to use Microsoft Paint.

First sip is grotesquely sour, a mossy acidity rather unpleasant with the potation's high fructose corn syrup, ace-k and sucralose saccharinity. Its flavor is less the soft, carefree nature of the melon, and inspired most by the Jolly Rancher rendition of the fleshy fruit, twelve ounces with any gentle depth removed. Instead, the candied interpretation lacks the weight of the sugar needed, the fifteen grams used proving too little, particularly with the burn of synthetic honey; this gaucherie potable is liquid candy without the candy sweetness. The petite beverage seems to drag, and no matter how many gulps I choked down, there always seemed to be many more left in the can. Years ago, Pepsi proved that they did not know how to make a tasty watermelon drink, and this year, they showed that they still do not know how.

Sixty eight milligrams of caffeine, and several varying amounts of B vitamins and vitamin C. The buzz is banausic, lasting less than an hour, and acting more like your typical Mtn Dew and an "energizing" beverage. On the whole, this Watermelon Kickstart did not have much promise yet somehow, turned out to be worse.

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