Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Hi Ball Ruby Red Energy Drink Review

It has been a long time since a Hi Ball brand drink crossed my desk (thank you, hipster "organic" grocery store chain); bright pink does not do the cozy little design much justice, but it is serviceable. Things are cleaner than all the text and patterns suggest, but the large brand name struggles with its undercase typeface and identical coloring to the rest of the can.

A mere five percentage of juice wrestles the rest of the ingredients as it tries to influence the experience, but it never rises above every sips bitter influence. It lacks the freshness the juice should have imbued; imbibes are listless and tired, more alike your usual macro canned energy drink than what the can suggested it contained. The grapefruit itself its leaden, its fragile intricacy often lost in a sea of acrid aftertastes of organic ingredients. Everything is one-note, no one gulp offers anything unique, just flat sameness that wears down your tolerance for mediocrity. Saccharinity, forty grams of cane sugar, combats the astringents and never wins- it is sixteen ounces of undersweetened miscalculations.

Each can contains: B vitamins, guarana, ginseng, and 160 milligrams. The buzz is the best thing here, lasting just under three hours and never jittery. To end, Hi Ball Ruby Red is a disappointment when you consider all this unusual company could have done with such an unusual flavor.

official site

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