Sunday, May 6, 2018

Spider Mimic Energy Drink Review

Spider Mimic wastes no time informing consumers that it is your classic energy drink flavor; industry term for "Red Bull clone." But hey, there is a market for drinks like this, particularly when the can is sharp. The green on black coloring is a bit bewildering however; shouldn't a Red Bull clone use the famous Red Bull color-scheme?

It has been a long since I had actually had a can of Red Bull; its price tag remains far too steep to ever persuade me to take the nostalgic plunge back to the energy drink stone-age. Even the Austrian beverage seems to be distancing itself from its archaic flavor with the fruit-flavored varieties it pumps out regularly. But the taste here is alright, your C-student cocktail of vanilla and bubble gum, drowned in saccharinity and acidity- not necessarily tartness but the kind of acridity that destroys an empty stomach. Fifty five grams of sugar, sucrose and glucose, sweeten the hell out of the experience, pardon the language, and all this makes for an energy drink that tastes too much like it is proud to be this unimaginative.

This is where things really get cooking! Each can contains: taurine, B vitamins, ginseng, guarana, green tea, and 240 milligrams of caffeine. Overall, I have seen the movie "Spider" and the movie "Mimic;" both of those are more original than the energy drink Spider Mimic.

official site

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