Monday, July 9, 2018

Full Throttle Twisted Fountain Energy Drink Review

Full Throttle Twisted is two complete logo designs behind the current one, and the label the emblem emblazes is a bland one. There is nothing in the form of a flavor indication, though its purple hue suggests "Tropic" would have been a better name than "Twisted."

With my size "medium" styrofoam cup filled lightly with crushed ice and pressed firmly up to the dispenser nozzle, a spray of brown slush quickly fills my sixty nine cent beverage transport. The flavor? Sugar, sourness, and super syrupy, because that is all I could taste. Hidden within the sticky slime rests the taste of apple, blueberry and vanilla, a troika cloned straight from Red Bull's book and drowned in saccharine acidity. I have no idea what actual sugars are involved here, but from as I approached my final sip, the money left after breaking a buck is going to the high fructose variety.

Digging deep into the dark world of the web, the only thing offered up was 105 calories and forty seven milligrams of caffeine. Whether any of that is true, the kick sucked, lasting an hour with all the jitters you would anticipated from a drink this sweet. To end, Full Throttle Twisted is a prime example of a bad energy drink. It will not break the bank, but your taste buds will not be so lucky.

official site


  1. I tried it on a whim and have to say, I am quite pleased with it. I have always like full throttle drinks and think they get a bad rap. It give me an energy boost that actually lasts a few hours, unlike your experience. But then again, I don't drink energy drinks on a daily basis...however, I have drank this three times during the past week and so far am not disappointed in the taste or the effects.

  2. I'll stop and grab some once or twice a week...nice energy and tasty.

  3. I would regularly get this at a local gas station from the fountain a few years ago and absolutely loved it. I'm actually very disappointed that I can't find it anywhere... not even in a can. So, I'm not sure what urged this highly dissatisfied and Ubran Dictionary-filled "review" of yours, but you're probably amongst the low few who unwittingly did not enjoy this drink :/

    1. I'm so mad this drink is gone! I feel like 0ne day o woke up in the wrong version of my reality lmao please bring it back

  4. I would regularly get this at a local gas station from the fountain a few years ago and absolutely loved it. I'm actually very disappointed that I can't find it anywhere... not even in a can. So, I'm not sure what urged this highly dissatisfied and Ubran Dictionary-filled "review" of yours, but you're probably amongst the low few who unwittingly did not enjoy this drink :/

  5. Where can I get this by the can??


  7. Found at billion Chevy dealership in Iowa city iowa

  8. I miss it i wish they would bring it back. ! It was like a liquid energy sweet tart candy wish they sold the syrup id use it in my soda stream !!!

  9. I really love the Twisted Fountain Energy Drink
