Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Xing Grapefruit Energy Drink Review

The can to Xing Grapefruit is cluttered, for sure, but it is an organized mess, with text zooming in various directions and textures busying already hard to read text. The promised flavor is a welcome one too, as the humble citrus is a flavor hardly played with in the world of energy drinks.

Another non-carbonated surprise, I just cannot help but we surprised on first imbibe when the sweet nectar lacks that expected effervescence. But it works here, a lot more effective than the company's Tangerine offering. Fifty two grams of sugar, all of it from the cane, offer just enough sweetness; no one imbibe overwhelms as other drinks can sometimes do. It is a saccharinity that truly understands the fruit it is paired with, one that intensifies as gulps are gulped, clumping slightly in the back of your throat as the can is quickly emptied. That flavor itself is only faintly acidic, benefiting more from the honeyed ingredient than the tart aspects. Overall, a tasty little grapefruit drink.

Each can contains: B vitamins, taurine, inositol, and 160 milligrams of caffeine. The buzz is the most stock aspect here, lacking the personality of the can as well as the plucky energy of the flavor- it is just "meh." In the end, Xing Grapefruit is a fine example where doing nothing particularly exceptional can craft a fairly good product.

official site

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