Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Reign Lemon HDZ Total Body Fuel Review

Monster is not one to let an idea go untested, and so we have Reign, their spin on the potent workout energy drinks, made popular by Bang. The can is classic Monster despite not one mention of the beverage juggernaut, instead listing the manufacturer as "Reign Beverage Company," but we all know what is going on. Fortunately, it is a clean design, despite the shady marketing.

Lemon should be an easy flavor, but Reign makes some enough minor missteps that every sip becomes a misfire, though not totally undrinkable. Sourness is a letdown, either that or my expectations were misguided; I was anticipating a lemonade and ended up with Sprite. Without the benefit of real sugar, sucralose and ace-k do the sweetening, but they have a lot of work ahead of them; 300 milligrams of caffeine, not to mention the myriad of other supplements, means they need to push past the potential medicinal flavors. They just barely do, but that is not all the saccharinity needs to best. The citrus flavor itself demands a strong sugariness, something balanced with the acidity, one that refreshes a quenched palate on a hot summer day. Now, sourness is a different problem here, but these synthetic sugars just do not have the talent to meet expectation. They overextend their reach, leaving your taste-buds steeped in the false honey's aftertaste; it certainly is better than suffering through the bitterness of all the "body fuel" ingredients, but there are better tasting drinks on the market.

Each can contains almost too much to list, but I will do my best: B vitamins, amino acids, electrolytes, and my favorite, 300 milligrams of caffeine. The buzz is spectacular, lasting a solid three and a half, almost four hours. Overall, Reign Lemon HDZ Total Body Fuel does what it promises to those who read into its expectations, just not those who want a tasy potation. Choose wisely.

official site


  1. This tasted like sour Sprite.

  2. I like all the other flavors, but the lemon one is just bad. I actually bought another can from another location a week later because I thought I got a bad batch.
