Monday, September 30, 2019

Blue Sky Juiced Energy Drink Review

Blue Sky's Juiced Energy looks identical to what did nine years ago, save for this being the smaller variety. Everything is painfully ancient, an almost generic looking produce that should have died off of shelves years ago.

Potent graininess thrusts the fruit cocktail onto your palate, mostly apple and pineapple flavored despite white grape, peach, pear, tangerine and orange juice bulking up the fifty percentage of juice on the ingredients list on the back of the tiny can. The lost citrus adds just enough acidic humanity to the otherwise blandly sweet experience, one tasting purely of sugar nectar for most of the eight ounces. Carbonation lifts this deadened cruise through the fruit aisle beyond what it deserves, elevating this disappointing myriad of produce into the realm of decorousness.

Each can contains: caffeine, inositol, B vitamins, taurine, and ginseng. It is your standard blend from years past, a relic of hour and a half long kicks with sugar jitters. Overall, Blue Sky Juiced Energy is a fun reminder of what the energy drink market used to resemble, and may be worth the trip down memory lane.

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