Monday, November 25, 2019

Mtn Dew AMP Game Fuel Charged Orange Strike Review

Mtn Dew AMP Game Fuel Charged Orange Strike is such a long, stupid, tedious name, further cluttering its can into a disorganized mess of different fonts and colors; this design is an absolute disaster! Is it an energy drink? Is it a hyper sweet soda? Is it a promotion of the latest Call of Duty video game? Who cares?!

Before we even start here, let us take a guess- this newest in the line of crossovers between Pepsi brands will be a riff of Mtn Dew Live Wire. And after my first sip well, let us just say I wished I had bet money. We have a pathetic five percentage of juice, concentrates firstly from white grape juice but also from some actual orange juice, but their influence in the experience goes practically unnoticed. Twenty three grams of total sugars, from high fructose corn syrup, juice, ace-k and sucralose, preform awkwardly on the palate. Things are syrupy, grainy, and slightly synthetic, all at once, never sitting satisfyingly on your tongue. But the biggest problem here is the flavor, which is hardly what you would imagine an "orange" tasting like ripe from the tree. It tastes overly false, like a melted orange popsicle pumped full of carbonation. Overall, this is not a bad drink per se, but golly does it have its problems.

We get ninety one milligrams caffeine, several vitamins, ginseng, and yerba mate. That ingredient list is pathetic, resulting in a kick lasting just an hour or so, though there fortunately is not much in the form of a crash. To end, Mtn Dew AMP Game Fuel Charged Orange Strike is a mediocre misfire.

official site

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