Sunday, July 26, 2020

Rockstar Thermo X Neon Blast Energy Drink Review

Here we have a product that fails to inspire much hope; how can someone get excited for a drink that they do not even know the flavor of? Are consumers expected to blindly exchange a buck and change for a chance at pleasure? Another source of pain is the can itself, which does not display a sense of performance despite having that text written in the middle of the aluminum. There is no motion, or emotion, anywhere.

What does this taste like? Your guess is as good as mine, but it is not pleasant, that is for certain. There are three fundamental flaws present, a trinity of badness that make for an experience not worth experiencing. Number one is the most egregious of the trilogy, and that is the flavor, which fails to stir even the slightest sense of stimulation. It is a strange cocktail of apple and watermelon, a hazy blend that avoids detection behind a murky fog of medicinal overtones. The green tea extract additionally contributes here, infusing an herbal note to the overarching astringency. Number two is sweetness, famous duo sucralose and ace-k are responsible for, but they rain down an atmosphere of chemical nastiness, the same fake sugar sting that happens anytime an overzealous hand tears open a few too many of those colored packets in a coffee shop. Thirdly is acidity, namely how there is not any to be tasted! A tartness could have distracted from the less savory characteristics, as well as given the fruits at play their only honest personality. As it is, there is nothing worth consuming here, and nothing more worth saying.

The buzz, however, is steller, lasting three and a half hours. Ingredients include: caffeine (300 milligrams of caffeine), B vitamins, BCAA amino acids, etc. On the whole, Rockstar Thermo X Neon Blast's potency cannot save its overall foulness.

official site


  1. Pretty scathing review!

    I tried the Canadian version (it was marshmallow) and I though it was alright.

    1. I drink the marshmallow almost every day or every other day because i like to switch up or they dont work if you get immune to the caffine but over all marshmellow is my favorite flavor and I dont really even care for marshmallow taste but that drink is top of the line the best one for taste and effects

  2. If you let the rockstar hit yourtaste buds before swallowing u can taste the sour green apple and it starts to subside into a hint of watermelon with a sour green apple mixture
