Sunday, September 20, 2020

Mtn Dew VooDew (2020) Soda Reveiw

I should have known better. When last year's Mtn Dew VooDew came along, the packaging wrote "2019" on it. Now here we are, a year later, and we have the sequel. I should have known better. Only we are not sure it is a sequel- is it a repackaging of the previous product? I mean, they have the same amount of calories and sugar. Is it a mild refresh? A completely new potable? Who knows? Pepsico does, but they are not telling us.

The flavor is still not candy corn, for worse or better. But the flavor is not identical to the prior years potation. It is sort of an interpretation of it, with the major stars orange and vanilla returning with a new player, pineapple. Vanilla is the nucleus, the first thing you immediately notice and what your palate is saturated with by the time only drips are left in the twenty ounce bottle. What is unique here about the second most expensive spice flavor is its creaminess, with a rich mouthfeel that is simultaneously out of place and right at home. The pineapple and orange are cameos in the vanilla's show, hardly important nuances that fail to garner any attention. They show up, die, and are forgotten. With seventy three grams of sugar, all added and all from high fructose corn syrup, there is not a moment that goes by that is not sweet. It is the sort of saccharinity that all sticks together towards the back of your throat, and as gulps are taken it crawls up your palate until your entire mouth is covered is a mossy film. It is a ridiculous sweetness, completely unnecessary from both a dietary and flavor standpoint; nothing that could not be solved with the addition of a diet sugar, something to break the monotony.

A cool ninety one milligrams of caffeine is really not worth all the calories; I mean, 270 per bottle?! This is an unhealthy experience, for no reason at all, but then again, it is soda, and soda is well, unhealthy. In the end, Mtn Dew VooDew 2020 is most certainly more of a trick than a treat.

official site

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