Saturday, April 24, 2021

Angry 8 Sugar Free Energy Drink Review

Energy drinks can be a genre filled with creativity, but not Angry 8 Sugar Free. This shrink-wrapped can clocks in at a petite twelve ounces, and does absolutely nothing to standout amongst the crowd. What is so angry about it? It is just the grumpy dog with red eyes? Why does the pup have crimson peepers? Where does the "8" come from? There are more than eight ingredients, so what gives? There are so many questions here and I am afraid Angry 8 answers none of them.

Some Red Bull clones put their own spin on the energy drink stalwart. Others just crib-rob the most basic profile and call it a day. That my friends, is what Angry 8 does here. Bubble gum, vanilla, you know, the whole "tutti-frutti" schtick that both you and I have experienced dozens if not hundreds of times before. On a positive note, sweetness, manufactured by ace-k and sucralose, does a most basic performance but does so without any particularly arrogant aftertaste. Acidity is another strong point, a tartness that puckers your lips and breaths some life into an otherwise stagnant situation. Still, there is absolutely nothing on display here that makes me forgive just how utterly generic things are.

The 120 milligrams of caffeine does its job- there is a boost here, a two hour one that is as unexciting as the rest of the experience. Other ingredients include vitamins, guarana, ginseng, and well, you have a computer, you can look it up. In the end, Angry 8 Sugar Free has more than eight problems, and yes, I am angry about it.

1 comment:

  1. from the website:

    We created ANGRY 8 for people who, just like us, want their energy drink to deliver on the things that really matter: boost and flavor — not just big branding or an extreme lifestyle. It’s why we tested our way through 22 formula iterations to land on our signature smooth taste, with no aftertaste. And it’s why in taste tests, ANGRY 8 consistently wins over big brands, both on its own and as a mixer.

    As for the Cane Corso dog head on our can, that’s “8” the dog. We welcomed this loving, loyal companion into our family years ago, and have infinite trust that he’ll be fierce only when needed. Our fans have a fighter inside, too. They understand that anger, when properly channeled, can fuel their fight for the people they love, the things they want, and the issues they care about. This fighting spirit brings power, success, and abundance — all of which are linked to number 8.
