Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Adrenaline Shoc Cotton Candy Energy Drink Review

These newfangled "workout" energy drinks, you know, the ones that insinuate that exercise and excess caffeine really do mix, are a confusing bunch. Despite being sugar free, they often feature flavors based on foods that are, well, pretty much all sugar. Adrenaline Shoc is a line of this soft drink genre, and today's drink is "Cotton Candy." Its can is stoic and proud, but seems to think that the fairy floss favorite comes in only one color; obviously, they have never seen the teeth-rotting treat in its real world habitat.

There is something wrong here. No, not the aforementioned dichotomy of sweet inspirations and diet reality, but instead something that rears its ugly, unpleasant head with every imbibe. My tongue determined after a few investigational imbibes its origin, the potable's vanilla intent. A key characteristic to the experience, it is criminally undersweetened despite the drink's sucralose and ace-k involvement. This duo is disinterested in combatting its chemical cocktail of amino acids and caffeine, instead allowing for a metallic sting to remain on the palate well after you swallow the mildly effervescent elixir. All these aberrations distract from the actual cotton candy, which also includes an indeterminate blend of berries. If I were a betting man, I would herald the engagement of blue and raspberries, but who knows? I certainly cannot tell, and frankly, I am not too beat up about it.

Your body should expect a three and a half hour long buzz, thanks to all the aforesaid supplements. Other ingredients include B vitamins, electrolytes, guarana and yerba mate extract. To end, Adrenaline Shoc should leave cotton candy to the confectioners.

official site

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