Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Ani Lemon Lime Energy Drink Review

Sometimes the local Walmart surprises me, like when a shelf across from the dried fruit rested Ani Energy. The flavor this time is lemon-lime, and its can showcases a muted personality consisting of a bright green background, some text and a kiss mark in the logo.

Cane sugar, sucralose and ace-k handle the sweetness, six total grams of the first finds perfect balance with the two following; it handles both saccharinity and texture with elegance. Sips are light on the palate, gone is the common gummy gunk that terrorizes so many energy drinks, and the small involvement of actual carbohydrates hides most of any synthetic aftertaste. As for the two citruses, they are showcased with all the grace of any such flavored soda, with minimal acidity and not one moment passes where you would mistake this as containing actual juice. No such nectar is involved according to the nutrition label, and as such imbibes pass without much interest. This is such a common flavor profile juxtaposed a fabulous little sugariness that you gulp in disbelieve and disinterest.

The back of the can is pretty proud of its paltry seventy five milligrams of caffeine, calling out comparison to the "200 - 300 mg from the big guys." Maybe they are right? Perhaps we are all consuming too much of my namesake chemical? Ehh, I doubt it. The buzz lasts about one hour, a touch more perchance, with other ingredients including B vitamins and taurine. Overall, Ani Lemon Lime has a vision and sticks it, even if I do not necessarily agree with it.

official site

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