Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Bird Brain Original Energy Drink Review

Bird Brain does not look like an energy drink. If it were not for the word "energy" on the can, I would have walked right by it as it sat in bulk packs on my local salvage store shelf. But I stopped, and now, well, the more I look at it, the less this fits the genre. Why is there a bird flying a plane? Why is this product named after an insult? What were they thinking?

The website claims the flavor is "original citrus" but my tongue disagrees, vehemently. This is a Red Bull clone, through in through, and let me tell you, my palate does not like being lied to. Vanilla is the center of the experience, a heavy, syrupy rendition that basks in the overwhelming sweetness. Stevia and monk fruit extract are in charge of the saccharinity, and to my surprise there is little herbal nastiness. It does introduce some earthy nuance, but it adds something creative to the cocktail. Combating all the funk is some citrus, namely lemon and it brings along just enough acidity that the diet sugars cannot completely command the concoction. Still, twelve ounces is a lot to handle, and by the final few imbibes my tastebuds were exhausted.

Despite the goofy visuals, there is quite the energy blend inside the aluminum walls. 150 milligrams of caffeine, l-theanine, tyrosine, B vitamins, and others, and the kick is a cool two and a half hour long one. In the end, Bird Brain Original is simultaneously original and unoriginal. What a weird drink.

official site

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