Friday, July 15, 2022

Pop & Bottle Mocha Cold Brew Oat Milk Latte Review

What is most curious to me is that Pop & Bottle Coffee is neither pop nor comes in a bottle; a more appropriate name would be "Coffee & Can." But I digress, this shrink-wrapped container is a bit wordy but its minimalistic design and pastel backdrop did catch my eye, only to then notice the needlessly long name.

With 100 calories and just eight grams of sugar, none of which were added, sips are far more luxurious than they have any right being. Problem is this earthy aftertaste, whether it is from the dates or the rosemary or some supplement for some reason involved here, or from the absence of actual dairy, is not something my palate could identify. But there is an issue here, the small eight ounce serving helping my tongue forgive its slight funk. As for the flavor, mocha is in fact present, a chocolate who basks in the three grams of fat, two of which is of the saturated goodness variety. The lardy mouthfeel is immediately challenged by a mildly powdery texture, the two creating a slightly dynamic experience that goes unresolved by the time only drips remain inside the aluminum walls.

This is not an energy drink, if you could not already tell, but the eighty milligrams of caffeine does provide a pleasant enough, two hour long buzz. In the end, Pop & Bottle Mocha Cold Brew looks, drinks and boosts well enough.

company site

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