Monday, August 8, 2022

Jocko Go Passion Fruit Mango Energy Drink Review

Domestic energy drink Jocko Go has a can that is just too busy, from the background texture to text not just in different sizes but different fonts and colors- where are my eyes supposed to go!? Plus, the line "mango mayhem" discounts the involvement of passion fruit. Do not worry little guy, I did not forget about you.

Flavor-wise, Jocko Go does not impress. In fact, I would wager most palates would outright reject what is inside. Monk fruit extract acts as the sole sweetener and it decides that the produce involved should be sickeningly saccharine without any acidic balance. Sips crash down with minimal carbonation, letting the liquid limp along the palate without much motivation. Unless you review energy drinks like me, who gulps exclusively for reasons of thorough journalism. As for the mango and passionfruit, good luck detecting any of the potent integrity that is not only expected but that they deserve. What we can taste is that famous funky aftertaste from the diet sweetener and the amino acids, and even many moments later, that stinky earthiness is all the reminder you have from a quite terrible potation.

We get ninety five milligrams of caffeine, an OK amount to be sure, but considering the twelve ounces we had to taste through, it is not enough. The buzz is a gentle two hour long one, but who cares- I am just happy the last few drips have been drunk, and I can forget this entire thing ever happened.

company site

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