Saturday, September 17, 2022

Alani Nu Maple Donut Protein Coffee Review

Alani Nu returns with another wild variety, a maple donut coffee. The brand has not been consistent enough for me to not be trepidatious, especially since the world of RTD coffees are seldom any good; for every decent Java Monster Bold Brew Latte, we have dreck like La Colombe PSL. Visually, this is not an appealing attraction, looking like SlimFast more so than anything I would buy proudly.

To my own surprise, Alani Nu does in fact feature coffee as one of its primary flavors. Yeah so what, it might become lost in a sea of tart protein and sucralose, this could have and honestly should have completely sucked. It does not somehow, with two and a half grams of fat creates a texture more luxurious than its paltry ninety calories suggests, and although we do have thickeners like cellulose gel and gum, real cream is involved and your tongue knows it. It hits the palate with a slight weight, never bogged down with the syrupy bulkiness that you may expect, but it sips as a milky coffee should. As for the maple donut portion, there is some of the pancake nuance, but it just is a buzzword for "sweetness." Overall, this is not too shabby. I would never drink it if I was not reviewing it, but I am not sitting here regretting my life choices.

The buzz is why The Caffeine King is here, and we have 100 milligrams of my namesake chemical to play with. The kick is just OK, lasting two hours, but some mild jitters did poke through. In the end, Alani Nu Maple Donut Coffee is mediocre, but it has no reason being this good. Wait, mediocre or good? That does not matter, what does is that this does not suck.

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