Saturday, March 4, 2023

Rockstar Recovery Strawberry Lemonade Energy Drink Review

Rockstar is a brand that even I, someone who writes about energy drinks weekly, cannot keep up with. Is this a new variety? Gee I hope so, otherwise I am just wasting time. Visually, the can is a mess, with words, colors and images all flying in different directions that it is impossible to get even the foggiest idea what this is supposed to be. Did you know this is non-carbonated? No? Yeah me neither.

Utilizing coconut water was smart on behalf of Rockstar, as it gives mouthfuls some body seldom seen in a sugar free energy drink. Well, I say "sugar free" but in reality we have about a gram here, no doubt from the three percentage of juice, so do not go holding me accountable on such a technicality. For actual flavor we do in fact taste strawberry but very little lemonade, in fact we have only the faintest faction of citrus, a vague fruitiness that contributes acidity and almost nothing else. But it is not bad! Sips are pleasant enough, never exactly complex, but its under-demanding nature bodes well with the otherwise flat effervescence, crafting something passively engaging.

160 milligrams of caffeine, the only real reason to consume a potent potable, is hardly doing it now-a-days. Sure, you get that usual two or so hour long buzz, but so what? So many stronger cocktails exist that such a lackadaisical elixir is lacking. Overall, Rockstar Recovery Strawberry Lemonade does its job then goes home, which is exactly what I am gonna do.

company site

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