Tuesday, April 30, 2024

My Hero Academia Plus Ultra Energy Drink Review

I have no idea what "My Hero Academia" is, except what a quick Google search tells me. And despite being an energy drink, I most certainly not the target audience here. The visuals are pretty spiffy, bright and colorful, but what does it matter what I think?!

If there was ever a power potable who's primary flavor was high fructose corn syrup, this would be it. Thirty nine grams of the sweet stuff, that is almost eighty percent of your daily intake mind you, immediately clogs the back of your throat, simultaneously gummy and grainy. It is a pretty wild mouthfeel that offers zero benefit to the drinker except to remind them of the empty calories they are imbibing, but oh well. As for what this actually tastes like, even an experienced palate such as my own struggles to identify anything inside the saccharinity- I sipped and gulped to no avail. Then suddenly, with about a third left inside the shrink-wrapped can, an extremely mild case of blue raspberry begins to break out from all the sweetness. Not that it matters though, because the few remaining ounces finishes unceremoniously. What a fitting end.

100 milligrams of caffeine, some vitamins, taurine, ginseng, and guarana makes up the ingredient cocktail. It produces a most basic kick, lasting two hours if I am both tired and generous. In the end, My Hero Academia Plus Ultra is an energy drink, and that is absolutely all you can say about it.

company site

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