Sunday, August 31, 2008

Archie Farms Energy Drink Sugar Free Grapefruit

Am I losing my touch with the name parody's?(Not that I had much of a touch before) Should I continue the (un)clever titles or stick to the real drinks name? Anyway... It looks like Target has its own energy drink now(and for about 3 years now...) so I bought one, just for all of you readers!(I don't need to say another lonely joke, Its all been said and done before... but has anyone ever committed suicide whiling reviewing an energy drink...?)

FIRST IMPRESSION: Okay, where do I begin? Paying $1.49 for a generic energy drink, a sugar free one at that, and all they can do for a can design is this? Who do they think they are? A name brand? Hell no! Anyway, I think the designers of the can were going for the "simple equals attractive" thing here, like Guru Lite is and was. It just doesn't work well, but somehow, it memorizes me... like a old electronic handheld game...3/5

TASTE: Now, being the big fan of Fresca that I am, the flavor "grapefruit", doesn't scare me. And neither does the "sugar free" thing. Its like Fresca, so I'm expecting a "Fresca-like" flavor. So I pour it out and see that its a very, very light pink color. Upon first taste, your hit with a not-to-sweet grapefruit flavor that's tart and fresh-ish. Just like Fresca. This really surprises me, I was expecting them to screw up a simple flavor(like Stacker 2 Pounding Punch). If you like Fresca, then definitely give this baby a try. But that's if your a soda drinker, a type of drinker not usually know for there loving of caffeine kicks, like us energy gurus... 4.2/5

KICK: Well, there's a pretty stranded energy mix present. Its 2000 mg of taurine, aspartame, inositol, caffeine, acesulfame potassium,, and B vitamins per can. Same old same old. Not to much of a kick present. You do feel a small, short jitter buzz, but it goes away soon enough. But in a side by side comparison, the caffeine does add to the grapefruit flavor, so I'd say its more enjoy-able than just plain old Fresca. But it still doesn't have that "Fresca" charm. Maybe if Fresca made an energy drink...2.9/5

FINAL WORDE: While I was skeptical at first, I have to say the taste impressed me. While its not gonna win awards in the "kick" department, its still a pretty unique drink. I haven't seen many grapefruit energy drinks before, but, let them know, I'm looking for them...3.9/5

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