Monday, August 18, 2008

Jones Soda Co. Energy Extra Strengh Energy Drink

Now, I have no clue if this is any different than Jones Energy so I'm gonna review this one because... well I don't know. Now, like I said in the other Jones energy drink review, that I love Jones Soda Co. There unique, modern and use cane sugar. But to my surprise, this uses HFCS... What? They're known for being one of the few companies to still use sugar cane, but not in there energy drink? I don't know.

FIRST IMPRESSION: Personally, I like the can. Black flames on orange looks nice... though kinda generic... And naming it "Jones Soda Co. Energy" doesn't help either. But, it does have its price to attractive people at only $1(and only $.75 at Big Lots, which is more than most other energy drinks this size there...) I also don't know what "Extra Strength" is referring to... 3.9/5

TASTE: Well, I'm surprised at the smell, it smells like Vault mixed with Fresca. The taste also surprises me. It starts out kinda like Fresca, then ends right away very tartly. Kinda like liquid Sweet Tart candy with a bitter end. There's also a fake blue raspberry candy taste to it. The more sips you take, the more noticeable wheat-y vitamin-like taste. But thanks to the mild carbonation, its pretty easy to chug. And trust me, you really should consider it... 2.2/5

KICK: Well the ingredients include: taurine, caffeine, inositol, and B vitamins. Though taurine being pretty high on the list, it didn't provide much, if any, of a kick. You do feel like you had some type of caffeinated beverage, but not an energy drink. Overall, the kick was really weak...1.9/5

FINALEE WORD: Eh, overall, a very unimpressive drink. The can was good, but that's really it. The flavor, while it does avoid the average energy drink flavor, doesn't do a good job making there own flavor. So unless your a Jones Soda junkie, or a review or junkie(like myself), you might as well avoid this drink. Nothing really makes this drink stand out(other than brand name)...2.4/5

official site

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