Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Venom Black Mamba Energy Drink Review

While checking out Market Basket for an energy drink, I almost picked up an Amp, but then this beauty caught my eye. Venom is an energy drink by the Dr Pepper/Seven Up Company. Being a fan of Dr Pepper I hope that Venom tastes like Dr Pepper and not the cliche Red Bull flavour.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can is nothing less than impressive. While I feel that the "Black Mamba" sub name is trying too hard, the overall design is great. One thing that ponders me is the sub name "Black Mamba. " Is that the flavor or is it the snakes name... 5/5

TASTE: Upon first sip, I'm hit with a pineapple taste, then its tart. It tastes kinda like the Vault citrus flavor mixed with the beginning flavor of ..Lost and the whole flavor Red Bull the end. Overall I'm disappointed with how unoriginal Venom is...2.7/5

KICK: The kick is less than stellar. It contains: 240 empty calories with 2 grams of protein and 56 grams of sugar, glucuronolactone, l-carnitine, inositol, maltodextrin, ginseng, B Vitamins and 160 mg of caffeine per can. I felt a decent bump, but nothing I haven't sen before... 3/5

FINAL WORDE: Well, lets hope Dr Pepper works on the flavor, maybe more original, maybe Black Mamba flavor? Yeah, a snake flavored energy drink... Maybe... 3/5

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