Sunday, July 27, 2008

...Lost Big Gun Energy Drink

I was shopping at the Dollar Tree when I said to my self, "Is there any new energy drinks today?". As I walked down the isle, I saw this monster(sigh) of an energy drink. ...lost Big Gun energy drink... for a buck! I could hardly contain my self.

FIRST IMPRESSION: Lets start off by saying the can is impressive. Its cluttered and screwed up. Its got every thing from half naked girls to big hands! But upon further reading, I realize that this was made by Monster, but not sold by them. Wow, even though many companies make energy drinks and sell them under different brands, but not many actually say they do that... 3.3/5

TASTE: The smell tells me that I'm in for a Red Bull clone(A.K.A. Monster) and, as usual, I'm right. The first taste reminds me of Tasmanian Force, at first. But then you get hit by a full on pineapple flavor and has almost no bitterness, just gummness. It does, however, have a strong sour taste. There's an apple hint in there as well, then it's gone. There is an after taste, but its small and pretty good. But a full 24oz. after taste gets a bit over whelming... 3.1/5

KICK: Well, lets just say Calories: 100; total carb 26g;sugars 26g; riboflavin 1.7mg; niacin 20mg; vitamin B6 5mg; vitamin B12 5mcg; pantothenic acid 5mg; sodium190; taurine 1000mg; energy blend 2500mg to the 3rd power could keep even the best energy drink reviewers up for a while. Its full of caffeine an other things that your kidneys just love. As expected I received a horrible crash... 4.5/5

FINAL WERD: Well, for only a dollar, this baby was worth every cent. Although the taste could of been better(or more unique, either would do) but the kick and kick ass can make it worth it. Lets just say this is one monster of an energy drink...3.2/5

Photo Source

official site


  1. You can By a 12pack for 8 bucks.. 66cents a piece at Big Lots right now!

  2. Great post. Even I miss it. Considering it was really in reach it was quite a favorite.
