Wednesday, September 23, 2009

24:7 Review Revisited

A while back I wrote a re-review of 24:7 but after many technical difficulties I held back on releasing it. But since I'm having trouble finding new drinks for reviews, I've decided to release the long lost 24:7 re-review. Enjoy.

A couple of years ago, I reviewed two flavours in the 24:7 line, Original and Cherry Berry. While I didn't find either of these drinks to be amazing or anything, they were at least decent. Time had past and I hadn't seen the line again. But on a recent trip to Walgreen's, imagine how big my eyes were when I found the line again. But sadly, in a rush of excitement, I grabbed and bought the first two drinks I could. I say sadly because when I looked at what I bought, I realized that I had already reviewed them. But since I don't like my earlier reviews(or later reviews for that matter), I feel that they have the right for a re-review.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can to 24:7 is simple, almost too simple. Personally, I like the Matrix-like design, but it feels uneven. While the bottom is busy, the top is a void of empty space. The colour scheme is very basic, consisting of only green and black, which while it fits the can design, it doesn't help it stand out. Overall, the can is just too boring to gain any attention.

TASTE: I opened the can and took sip. The flavour to 24:7 is a full on Red Bull clone. The initial taste is the standard Red Bull clone, with more of a bubble gum taste at first, that then transits into a syrupy vanilla flavour. The bubble gum taste is very gummy, and is the sweetest part of the drink. There's a slight bitterness towards the end, but the sweetness is rather high so it isn't too noticeable. Once you down the whole sixteen ounces a syrupy coating is left in your mouth, similar to amp Overdrive, maybe worse. Overall, while 24:7 goes down smooth and is easy to drink, it is just too uninspired and syrupy for me to call it acceptable.

KICK: Each can contains: water, 160mg of caffeine, 240 calories, 152mg of Niacin, citric acid, Taurine, riboflavin, and... carbon dioxide. You read that right, the label actually says carbon dioxide. Is that Necessary? I don't think so. This blend of ingredients gave me a less than worthy buzz. The buzz lasted around two or so hours, and once the two hours was up I got hit by a hard crash. While I did get a decent rush from the 160mg of caffeine and fifty six mg of sugar, it was nothing cheaper drinks can't do better.

FINEL WARD: All in all, I feel that 24:7 is a bottom feeder of an energy drink. Nothing about this drink is new, exciting, fresh, revolutionary, or even good. The can was boring, the taste was a blatant rip off, and the kick was lower than below average. While I'm not saying that drink is the worst, it is far from the best, heck, it's far from mediocre. Overall, 24:7 is a shameless Red Bull wannabe that isn't worth its overpriced $1.99 price tag...2/5

official site

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